Expect A Miracle!
***Partial payments are not accepted for the conference***
All conference CD's, plus many others are available!
Come on in for some extra fellowship with great munchies!
You will see many nice things; some fellowship related, some personal items, and some wild and crazy stuff too!
Nothing better than a bonfire meeting under the stars by the lake. Sobriety is an amazing adventure!
Red River Valley Rally T-shirts available, but get them quick before they sell out!
Tickets sold over the course of the weekend with drawing held Sunday morning. The Money Tree is an opportunity to support the conference and for you to win some cash!
"We are not a glum lot." (pg. 132 BB, The Family Afterward) Our entertainment committee has been active in keeping fun involved during the weekend and would love your participation.
Come test your Big Book knowledge with some of the best. The defending team is ready and waiting. This has been a big hit, full of laughs and good natured competition. Come one, come all!
When registering for the conference, be sure to fill out your badge information so it will be ready for you when you arrive. Badges must be worn in Hospitality Room, Workshops and Speaker meetings.
*Note: Registration, Hospitality Room, Money Tree, T-shirts and Silent Auction will close during main conference meetings.
Come listen to Cliff G. of Oklahoma City, OK kick off the conference this year. He has a great story to get us going for a super weekend!
Open bonfire meeting will be held outside - weather permitting. If weather will not allow a fire, we will meet near the main conference room.
Let the energy of the conference take you into the night!
From fruit to nuts, meat and cheese, sweets and snacks, this room has all the little things your taste buds might want and the fellowship you crave.
Badges must be worn in Hospitality Room, Workshops and Speaker meetings.
*Note: Registration, Hospitality Room, Money Tree, T-shirts and Silent Auction will close during all meetings.
Start your day off with the Solution!
Come sit with us as we find out how Al-Anon has given us new hope and life in recovery. Guaranteed to see things through new lenses.
Lori G. of Oklahoma City, OK is coming to share her experience, strength and hope in Al-Anon. Be sure not to miss her story!
Our Entertainment Committee has been hard at work planning some fun activities for you all this weekend. Please show them the love by attending, and participating if that is what is called for!
We are not a glum lot!
This has been a big hit each year, full of laughter and friendly competition.
Come test your mad AA literature skills and knowledge of AA in this fun, and possibly highly competitive trivia contest. Trophies and prizes!
Come listen to "To Be Announced" share his/her journey to sobriety.
*We do not have a single meeting, or one day breakout price for the conference.
You began your day with a meeting, how about ending with a meeting?
Hey, you can sleep when you get home!
Start your day off right by increasing your conscience contact with God.
Come help finish off what's left over. There will be some goodies. Be sure to thank our hospitality chair Niki and her crew for doing such a great job!
Badges must be worn in Hospitality Room, Workshops and Speaker Meetings.
*Note: Registration, Hospitality Room, Money Tree, T-shirts and Silent Auction will close during all meetings.
We're closing out the 2023 rally with Lisa L. of Boynton Beach, FL. She's got a great sobriety story.
Then it will be time to say goodbye...until next year.
Save the date: November 22, 23 and 24, 2024.
We have a great committee for the Red River Valley Rally - and we'd like to invite you to become involved. We hold our first committee meeting for next year's rally immediately after conference closing on Sunday morning.
We would love to have you join us, keeping the Rally strong and vibrant in the spirit of rotation.
"Many hands make light work."